Sunday, June 28, 2009

30 Day Workout: Days 6-8

Distractions have continued, keeping me from doing a lot of work on Glowing Face Man, even though tons of cool ideas for articles have been swirling around constantly in my head. So today I'm posting yet another three-day block. I may be distracted, but I won't let that get in the way of a 30-day challenge. Even if zombies rise up and besiege Columbus, you'll see mee jogging across the rooftops until the bitter end. "They thought they could catch him and eat his brains. They thought wrong. Zombie Jogger. Now in theaters near you."

As before, for a three-day block report, the pictures I attach are from the middle day.

Here's what I did to work out during these past three days:
Skipped stretching, in part because my girlfriend didn't come to the gym with me and I've grown to like letting her lead me in stretching. Jumped on the treadmill and ran for 47 minutes (plus 5 minutes cooldown) for a total of 4.72 miles. I started at 3.5mph and slowly accelerated until peaking out at 6.6mph at the end.

My girlfriend led me through stretching exercises. Let me tell you, this girl is really good... she could be a gymnast or something. As for me, I have a ways to go yet ;) Saturday was a lower body day for me and that means a core of squats. I did 1 set of 10 reps of 110 Lbs squats and decided I could go up another level. So then I did 4 sets of 10 reps of 115 Lbs. I'm sure that tomorrow, my legs are gonna let me hear about that! After squatting, I did Leg Press, but to mix things up a bit, I tried a new machine, the Paramount AP-2800. This is a leg press machine with a very different feel; rather than your feet moving, your feet push and the rest of your body moves. It felt a little better than the usual, more traditional leg press setup, especially when I realized you're not supposed to extend your legs all the way. I did 10 reps at 45lbs, 10 at 55, and 2 sets of 15 reps at 70lbs. Pretty light weights but that's because it was a new machine.

I then did crunches holding plates, 30 lbs, 36 reps, 3 sets. The gym closed on me and I had to do my side legs at home (28 per leg), which is fine since those don't require a gym.

Girlfriend at my side, I began another workout with some great stretching. Then I mounted the 'mill and ran 5.07 miles in a total of 55 minutes (of which 6 were cooldown and 49 were the main run). I started at 3.5mph and gradually sped up to a max of 6.7mph at the end of the 49 minutes. I feel like I'm really improving my run (even though I'm still behind where I was at the end of my first 30-day workout challenge).

Gym Music

30 Day Fitness, Day 7, front30 Day Fitness, Day 7, ProfileI'm probably one of the only people in the world who doesn't take an MP3 player to the gym. Not like I'm some old dude screaming about kids and their new-fangled music thingies. Rather, I like listening to the radio they play in the gym. The gym has satellite radio with no commercials, and radio is underestimated as a way to expand your musical tastes. Whenever I go run or pump iron, I'm exposed to new music, and I feel like it broadens me and increases my connection to the world. A lot of the people who complain "music sucks nowadays" just haven't spent any time listening to anything recent. Just like the radio has to tune in, we ourselves also have to tune in, getting on the same wavelength before we can really properly "hear" anything as more than static. Once I do get myself calibrated to listen to it, I'm constantly amazed how much awesome music is produced all the time.

NEXT: Days 9-11


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